Basin Street Centre was established by Fiona Masterson in 2015. Fiona has practiced as a counsellor and psychotherapist for the past 18 years. Fiona has run a successful private practice in Naas since 2005, and has worked from 17 Main Street since 2008. Fiona’s practice was called Naas Counselling & Psychotherapy, renaming the practice as the Basin Street Centre reflects the transition to a group practice.
Our Ethos
Referred clients will be matched to the most suitable therapist within the practice. The Centre aims to provide the highest standard of clinical work possible. All therapists fully adhere to the standards set out by their accrediting body. We promote best practice through continual professional development, clinical supervision and peer clinical support.
To develop and ensure our standards we meet monthly to share ideas, theories and new developments in our fields. This support structure nourishes the unique ethos of the Centre and facilitates a safe, holding and therapeutic space for our clients. The monthly meetings are central to the aims and objectives of the Centre and reflect the passion and professionalism of all the therapists within the practice.
Phone: 045 888850 / 087 9674955
Fiona Masterson M.Sc., B.A., MIACP, MSc (Accred)
Evelyn Hainsworth BSc., MIACP (Accred)
Katherine Liston Bsc, Dip MIACP (Accred)
Dr. Colman Noctor Phd, MSc PG Dip RPN, ICP (Accred)
Fiona Murphy M.I.A.C.P. (Accred)
Alia Gomez I.C.P. (Accred)
Cecilia Saviotti P.S.I. (Accred)
Lisa Markham Sharkey, M.A. MIAHIP, MIACAT (Accred)