Therapists Process Group
For Counsellors, Psychotherapists & Psychologists
Duration 12 week starting November 10th
facilitated by Fiona Masterson
- We work mainly as independent practitioners. This can leave us feeling isolated, unsure of ourselves and our practice as we navigate through our own and others expectations.
- By sharing and exploring our experiences in a group process environment we can help shape, form and maintain our identity as practitioners.
- We can experience support and strengthen our understanding of relationship in a way that enhances our sensitivity as practitioners in the helping profession.
- Condentiality, attendance and punctuality are part of the structure of the group. All participants will meet with Fiona before joining the group. There will be a maximum of 8 persons in the group.
A process group is a reflective space where we can bring personal information and ideas to the group that can be further understood from the feedback and reflections from members’ participation.
For further information and to join call Fiona on 0879674955
A process group is a reflective space where we can bring personal information and ideas to the group that can be further understood from the feedback and reflections from members’ participation. There is no fee for attending the group. Supervision provided by The School of Psychotherapy, St Vincent’s University Hospital.
To find out more call 087 9674955 /045 888850