Counselling /Psychotherapy can be thought of as a process between the client and therapist. The client brings his/her personal thoughts, interactions, dreams and history to the therapist. The therapist helps the client to think about the feelings that belong to the material and so the client can begin to take back and learn to process themselves difficult feelings around events.
There is a rhythm to the sessions whereby the client brings the material, the therapist helps process it and the client can take it back. This process heals the client because it frees the psychic pain we feel from distressing and disturbing events. We become stronger, and better able to tolerate our difficulties.
In order for this process to work the following needs to be in place:
The client and therapist must feel that they can work together. At times this can be a difficult and emotional process which is why we endeavour to match each client with the most suitable therapist. As a client you might feel a connection with the therapist straight away and you are happy to begin working together. However if you don’t feel this way, it, please don’t assume that it will be the same with every therapist. We understand this happens and we will always welcome your feedback and help to find an alternative therapist for you.
Commitment to the Process
It is perfectly normal that we look for some time frame for our work with our therapist. It is not usually possible for a therapist to say how many sessions a person will need. It depends on the reasons why a person comes and how easy it is for them to trust and go with the process.
The regularity of sessions is crucial; missed sessions break the connection and generally delay the healing or therapeutic process. Weekly sessions at the same time, same day are standard.
Our Commitment
To develop and ensure our standards we meet monthly to share ideas, theories and new developments in our fields. This support structure nourishes the unique ethos of the Centre and facilitates a safe, holding and therapeutic space for our clients. The monthly meetings are central to the aims and objectives of the Centre and reflect the passion and professionalism of all the therapists within the practice.